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Books | Halacha / Jewish Law and Practices

A Concise Guide to Halakha - Rabbi Steinsaltz
The Erez Series, A Concise Guide to Halakha is a brief, modern presentation of practical halakha (Jewish law). Although it does not presume to be a book of authoritative halakhic rulings, it nevertheless offers a survey of halakha as it is practiced today. Accordingly, it was written not as a commentary on other books but as an independent work,...

Exploring Modern Halachic Dilemmas By Zvi Ryzman
In this fascinating book, Rabbi Zvi Ryzman of Los Angeles deals with a fascinating array of modern halachic dilemmas – and deals with them in a fascinating way. In response to Covid-19, what is the status of backyard minyanim? Before long, artificial meat made from stem cells will be on the market – what is its kashrus status? May one desecrate ...

What If…on Yamim Tovim volume 2
Fascinating halachic discussions for the Yom Tov tableBy Rabbi Moshe Sherrow (Adapted by) Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein (Author) The Torah Conversation Continues... On Yom Tov! The What If..? series has become a beloved part of our Shabbos table conversation. With its interesting scenarios and clear halachic explanations, it's a fantastic convers...
Z'manim - Rosh Chodesh, The Dateline, And The Calendar In Jewish Law by: Rabbi Moshe Ze'ev Granek

Z'manim - Rosh Chodesh, The Dateline, And The Calendar In Jewish Law by: Rabbi Moshe Ze'ev Granek
How did the Jewish calendar come to be? Why are there sometimes two days of Rosh Chodesh and sometimes not? Who keeps Yom Tov for two days? Why are some parshiyos read together? What do Chazal have to say about the International Date Line? Which halachos apply when there is an eclipse? Does the “Magen Avraham’s z’man for k’rias Shema” really exi...

In an age of ever widening interest in contemporary halachah, this work represents the first comprehensive guide to the laws of Chol HaMoed ever published for the English-speaking public. Within these pages, the authors present the laws of Chol HaMoed inAuthor:Rabbi Moshe Francis , Rabbi Dovid ZuckerBinding:HardcoverDimensions:6.00 X 9.00