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Riverdale Judaica

זכר צדיק: סדר חג הפסח Zekher Zaddik: Order for Pesah (BK-ZZ)

זכר צדיק: סדר חג הפסח Zekher Zaddik: Order for Pesah (BK-ZZ)

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The Haggadah with commentary, halakhot, prayers, and piyyutim by R. Joseph b. Zaddik, a pre-Expulsion Spanish rabbi.

Zekher Zaddik is a siddur for the entire year. The section on Pesah is printed in this volume from MS British Museum Or. 11594 and other manuscripts.

With three extensive introductions by various known scholars on the author and his literary activities, the piyyutim, and the singular vocalization (nikkud) utilized in the siddur. Accompanied by references and explanations. In addition to the siddur, the author composed fifty chapters on halakhic matters, incorporating material culled from a wide range of rishonim and kabbalah sources. This volume contains all material and halakhic rulings pertaining to the festival of Pesah.

Editors: Rabbi Avraham Shoshana, Prof. Yakov Shmuel Spiegel

Contributors: Dr. Binyamin Bar-Tikva, Dr. Amos Dodi

Jerusalem 1994

Second impression, 1999



196 Pages

ISBN: 9781881255123

List: $22.95

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